Date: 19 – 20 October 2017
Place: Naples, Italy
The 4th General Assembly Meeting (GAM) of MAXIMA project took place at the University of Naples – Federico II, Italy during 19 – 20 October 2017. Members from all three project partners, the Technical University of Varna (TUV), the Katholieke University of Leuven (KU LEUVEN), and the University of Naples – Federico II (UNINA) participated in the meeting. Besides discussing the organization of the forthcoming project events, the members of the consortium accomplished thorough analysis and review of the project activities and the progress of the scientific work up-to-date. The project consortium concluded that the implementation of the project activities and tasks are performed in line with the initial plan and until present the project objectives have been achieved.
The 4th project GAM was organized in conjunction and just after the International Conference on Monte Carlo Techniques for Medical Applications (MCMA 2017), where MaXIMA members participated and had the opportunity to disseminate the project results through oral and posters’ presentations amongst the relevant scientific community.