Expected Impact
The MaXIMA project will contribute to:
By the completion of planned training activities through research and personalized projects, the involved staff will be able to accumulate a significant amount of academic and scientific output in terms of: journal papers, conference participations, books and others.
The planned events within the framework of this project will result in more frequent organization of training schools, scientific seminars and workshops. This background definitely will impact on: improved and more effective planning of future collaboration work, better planning of research work, more effectively and time efficiently written high quality and original publications.
This action will enforce one of the few research groups of Biomedical Engineers in Bulgaria by strengthen their position for providing excellence in biomedical engineering research and education. Technical University of Varna can really become a center of excellence in the field of Modelling and Simulations for x-ray imaging techniques.
The interaction between the research groups will contribute to the development of innovative and clinically relevant computational models of breast tumours with irregular shapes dedicated for both simulated and experimental trials as an alternative and extremely cost- and time-effective alternative to clinical trials.
In addition, database with breast lesions, as well as, printed version of computational breasts models with integrated breast lesions will be used in students’ training programs and other educational purposes.
Another impact is advancement in the creation of a methodology for creation and fabrication of physical phantoms that will be used for the design and manufacturing of the first physical breast phantom dedicated for phase-contrast x-ray imaging.